Peruvian product

Camu camu Spray-Dried


100 g

The main characteristic of the fruit is its high content of vitamin C (antioxidant). Compared to another fruit such as orange, provides 3,000 to 6,000 mg of vitamin C per 100g of pulp, that is, between 57 and 114 times more concentration than orange.


Spray-dried camu camu is obtained by processing the camu camu pulp and dehydrating it by spray-drying, obtaining a fine, water-soluble pink powder. In this way, a higher concentration of its vitamin C is achieved. Contains no added sweetener, coloring or flavoring. It is pesticide free.

How to Use:

You can take it just with water, mix it in shakes, smoothies and juices. Enjoy it with pineapple juice and honey. 

You can prepare cocktails with the «exotica» camu camu.


1 liter of water

3 tablespoons of Camu Camu

Add sweet to taste

Optionally add ice to blender before beginning. Next, add the 3 tablespoons of Camu Camu and blend. Add sweet to taste. If you want to refrigerate it, it will last 24 hours.

*The performance was made based on a standard, so it will depend on the client if he wishes to increase or decrease the amount that best suits his preference.